Modded Xbox 360
$270 (includes shipping to anywhere in the US)
NO TRADES/PRICE IS FINAL (howevermay be lowered)
Iam a poor college student trying to buy a season’s pass so I am selling my Xbox360 Premium console (20GB) (Modded). The console was bought brand new and thispast summer was modded by me with the iXtreme 1.51 firmware. **NOTE** thissystem has voided warranty. Also, note that this system is eligible to bebanned because of the updated firmware if used online. This however does notmean that it cannot be used online (stealth patched games etc.). Play online atyour own risk, THIS SYSTEM HAS NOT BEEN BANNED (but it has the possibility ofbeing so depending on use). With this firmware, one is able to play any old Xboxgame as well as any Xbox 360 games. You may get these backups at your own riskfrom certain places. The way to get these game backups is all up to you. Thesystem comes with 1 wireless controller, 1 the AC adapter, and the AV cables. In addition, a bundle of 16 stealth-patched games will be included. These gamesare:
TopSpin 3
ProPaintball 2009
Gearsof War 2
ResidentEvil 5
TigerWoods 2009
SoulCaliber 4
SaintsRow 2
Left4 Dead
ShaunWhite Snowboarding
*Sorry for the crappy quality, phone pictures :/*
Allpayments will be through PayPal.
Shipping will be done through USPS.
If you have any questions feel free to pm or just post up on here. Cheers.