Replying to Taking online college courses?
Right now I'm a freshman in college and because I fucked around in high school i had to take a remedial math class this semester instead of the one I should be taking(College Algebra). My curriculum is pretty much set for me, and next semester I should be taking trig. I don't want to continue to be behind on my curriculum like I am now because of this remedial math class, and the only way to catch up to where I should be is to take college algebra online over xmas break, and take trig in the spring...I've been told that even though I will still be behind, I shouldn't take the 3 week online course because online math courses are extremely hard and near impossible to get a good grade in. Does anyone have some experience with online math classes? Would I be better off just taking the whole class next semester and staying behind academically, or taking the 3 week course over break?
Thanks in advance
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