I took the class as a senior in highschool and had spent a lot of the summer looking at anthropology programs through out the US and stumbled across an Evolutionary Psychology program with in one of the anthropology programs and thought it was really interesting. Then I learned how small of a field it is and that there isn't too much real life application and opted for archaeology.
But in researching their program I happened across a similar experiment in which I modified it a bit.
The science of physical attraction and how the body is built is absolutely amazing.
The larger a woman's breasts are, the more likely they are to be symmetrical. The more symmetrical they are, the high the correlation to not having breast cancer.
The length of our elbow to our hand holds a baby in the exact location it needs to be in to breast feed.
Women with larger lips have a higher fertility rating. Lips are essentially going, hey, you want my vagina.
The larger a woman's hips, the easier it is to give birth and women with large hips are less likely to go through sever labor that used to cause many deaths. But now with modern treatment it doesn't really matter.
Then there are tons of stats on how wide your eyes should be apart and so forth. Basically, the more average the measurements are on your face the more likely you are to be pictured as beautiful.
Of course there are cultural influences on this as well.... body modifications, perception of weight, things like large eyes and such.
They psychology of it is amazing!