You're a fucking idiot if you think that makes sense and brings up valid points. This entire paragraph is so full of ignorance and zealous bigotry that I'm actually gonna break this down for you so you understand just how fucked up you sound by posting something like this:
Point 1) Your friend makes the assumption that Homosexuality is a choice, not by natural design, but by sheer act of rebellion and wanton need for dissociation with society as a whole, made by individuals who are "unsure of themselves" and seek ATTENTION. Do you realize how fucked up that sounds? I don't think we would've liked to endure CENTURIES of persecution, execution and assault simply because we were seeking ATTENTION. Do you or your friend just not read anything at all? Homosexuality is a completely valid variable of human sexuality dating back to Mesopotamian times. That's 5000+ years ya'll - since written history. Yeah, we were just seeking attention.
Point 2) As a tax-paying citizen of America, an extensive volunteer for Equality, the National Ability Center, a volunteer counselor for kids (yay! I got the job!), and raising money for cancer foundations at school, I can tell you that yes, I am completely focusing on my selfish welfare when I think that I should be considered equal in the eyes of my country, my government, and my peers. As human being, I can honestly say that I do more for my community that benefits more than just myself than 90% of Americans, and apparently, so does about the gay community. You know who organizes those AIDS walks, gives sex talks, and free condoms to college kids? The gay community and the people who care. You know who wants STD's to run rampant in every community? The church.
Point 3) "The whole idea behind marriage is recognized to support a man and woman under god know that they hold the key to creation..." Bullshit. Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit bullshit. Marriage is about love. If this were true, old couples would not marry, infertile couples would not marry and anyone who couldn't or wasn't able to raise a kid could not marry. Family Values? Family is relative. I've felt a better sense of family with my group of friends than I have with my relatives. We can't have kids. Family does not equal stability. Stability comes with family. And you know what? If your friend cares about marriage so much, why doesn't he care about divorce? How come 2 men who love each other are less respected by the church than a drunken 52 minute Vegas wedding couple? You think that it degrades it enough to even CONSIDER gay marriage? WTF IS THAT? Do you realize how fucked up you sound?
Point4) Marriage is about love. If there's anything you should take away from this rant, just read this;
Being gay is not about sex. Anyone can have sex with anyone. What makes it different, and what people don't seem to understand, is that I don't need sex. Sex is secondary. What gay means is that you love. And that love seems to only be aimed at guys. Or for women, women. I could go a lifetime without sex, but I do need love. Marriage is about love, and when you deny us love, you deny us our right to happiness, to freedom, and to a full life. You deny us a basic right that all humans should enjoy. We're not looking to fuck up your morals, and if anything, we want to show you that we can love just a powerfully as you do and will. It's not just an "explorative attention show". It's real, and you need to recognize that.