Replying to So I just watched Forward(level 1's 4th movie for you young people)
I decided to watch forward after watching refresh(and Ill get to the other 8 soon), and even though while watching the movie, I knew almost every shot that was coming up next(I watched this movie a lot back in the day). These are the things I forgot about/havent thought about in a while:
Peter Olenicks weird dyed hair
Peter Olenicks tooth
Scott Havens
jr martinez
fischer airstyles
atomic tweaks
The Keystone Bus Rail
How ridiculous people look with doo rags
All you had to do was slide an urban rail and the style people had
Phil Dion (I know he's not in it)
each skier was introduced with their major sponsors
tuffelmire trying 1260s in the pipe
freedle as tyrone
skis invisbaal
rex thomas
tom dozele
watching older ski movies is pretty awesome. It's amazing how far skiing has come and all the stuff you forget or dont think of anymore. It's really wierd this movie was made around 7 years ago and is the movie that got me into freeskiing. It feels like yesterday that I was watching this all the time.
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