have you ever heard of subsistence hunting? just humor me here for a second.... how many millennia has man kind lived off the land? just think about that for one second. what the fuck do you think we did before fast food and shit like that? that wasnt even that long ago by anyones standards.... and now everyone freaks out that i would rather eat some meat that i know is healthy and good for me because i killed it and dress it myself, but its completely ok to chow down on on that "meat" they call a burger that has been pumped full of chemicals and hormones and all that good stuff. Hey guess what, you know how all these animals have all that stuff to do and moms and dads what what not. well by your logic so does your beef cattle, except instead of being able to live in the wild and roam free they are stuck in cages until they are big enough to slaughter...you arnt even giving them a chance.
the animal kingdom is very different than the kingdom of man. in nature there is predator and there is prey, survival of the fittest. whatever you want to call it. im going to use moose as my example here. yes, a moose has a mother and a father and life and stuff to do everyday. lets start at the beginning here.... mating season. bull moose is in rut and wins its mate and so mommy and daddy make a baby, maybe two depending on the food supply around the area. guess what happens now? daddy leaves and baby never gets to know its father. baby calf tags along with mom until it is a year old then its mating season again and she gets pregnant again. baby gets the boot after a year because mommy has a new family to raise. so now you are left with an adolescent moose that should be able to fend for itself for the rest of its life with no help from mom or dad. so now what does this moose do every day of its life? it isnt going to go to work or go to school its going to survive and if it cant then it will die.
now lets try a bear... starts similar. mating season, dad does mommy and dips, no need to stick around he spread his seed he is safe now because he will live on... onto hibernation, cubs are born usually two or three (not because she wanted twins or triplets but because the odds of one of them living to adulthood is greater then if the only had one cub to begin with) mom is alone raising the cubs. she has to be extra careful because not only does she have to feed them and keep them safe from other predators but she also has to protect them from daddy! male bears will often kill cubs they could potentially grow up to be a threat to their territory. once/ if the cubs reach the age of a year and a half, the mother kicks them out to start their own lives. now their only goal is simply to live and survive.
in the animal kingdom there is fine balance between everything and everything is kept in check. it levels itself out. unfortunately i do not feel the same about mankinds kingdom where there is little balance and things just dont work the same way as they do in nature at all. its completely different. because when i wake up in the morning my first thought is not "how am i going to make it through today alive?" rabble rabble rabble i dont even know what i am talking about anymore.