Attention NSers:
My college, the University of Puget Sound, has a bomb radio station, KUPS,which I am a hip-hop DJ for. We happen to be one of the best collegeradio stations in the country. Pretty big deal. BUT you can help makeus a even BIGGER deal by helping sway a vote.
MTV is conducting the Woodie Awards '09 currently, a survey of musicalthings and thangs targeted at the college community. Under the CollegeRadio category, guess who you will find in the final 5? That's right,KUPS!
Awesome thing about this contest, you don't need to register, fill inany blanks or anything. Just click the big VOTE button under KUPS TheSound as many times as you can handle! With YOUR help you could put thepride of the Tacoma, WA airwaves on MTV. Voting ends November 9th, sohopefully we can together promote GOOD music on the airwaves!
The KUPS website. There is a link for streaming in iTunes or WinAmp or whatever you have.
If anybody wants to listen to some true NYC style brought loud and proud to the west coast, catch my show, The Sun Rises in The East, saturday nights from 11pm-12am PST.
Awesome! Good Job Everybody!
And of course, here's some voting music!