Her name is Cumming, not Cummings. There is no 'S' in her last name. She is not moving to South Africa, but rather living here in Aspen. She is sitting to my right, drinking a forty, fucked up off absinthe. She will only wear her knee brace if it matches her outfit, otherwise she will sacrifice her knee for the sake of fashion. She is actually five feet nine inches tall. She is still riding for K2, Rip Curl, Bolle, Aspen/Snowmass, and DECYFER. She is not an antisemite, but rather loves the little jewish boys (you know who you are DSPIN180) She laughs at all everyone on this site that makes up shit about her moving to South America. The only way she is going, is if we can raise enough money to send her and I there. Message me if you are interested in making a donation.
P.S. She has lost 15 pounds since she has blown out here knee.
P.P.S If you have any further questions about Ms. Cumming, deal with it.......man.
Remember Freedom
Robbie Wade (7-21-83)-(8-4-02)
We are all going to miss you. RIP it up in heaven