I am stuck and i need some oppinions, I will toss in some karma if you contribute. I am stuck between 3 jackets and i need help picking snowpants.
My mom is willing to throw $100 for a jacket, i got $90 from a local swap meet and i am willing to throw so money for a sick jacket.
My local store has orage and a guy said he was willing to order a jacket for me. I am now stuck between these three jackets/colors
First is the Orage Bart:
Next is the TJ pro model, Green-Yellow:
And lastly is the TJ pro model, Black-White:
I also I am don't know what snow pants to get, I don't need expensive ones just what color should i go for. Also i am skeptical about getting the TJ model in Green/Yellow because he wore that one the whole year and i don't want to look like a poser. I genuinily like the jacket.
+Karma for anyone that contributes.
Sorry about the small pictures, i couldn't find anything bigger.