That's how to make friends for sure.
He has the 100% correct answer and EVERYONE ELSE would tell you EXACTLY the same thing. Salomon boots are completely different from Full Tilts so to compare the two is almost impossible - I honestly can't think of two boots that are more different. There have been SEVERAL threads asking the exact same question so a simple search would have told you everything you need, plus there's a Sticky on how to pick boots that basically says GO TO A BOOTFITTER or if you can't find a bootfitter go to a shop and try on as many different styles and brands as possible. DO NOT buy boots online without trying them on first, once you try on a bunch of boots and pick the one that fits best THEN you can go online and try and find the exact same boot in the exact same size at a better deal then the shop - that is the best way to do that.
I realize you're new so I'll explain why everyone is so harsh on the subject. First of all, threads similar to this one get posted everyday with all sorts of boots (but mostly these two), so quite frankly we get sick of them. Secondly, once upon a time people used to answer this question with "Get Full Tilt" - this ended up with SEVERAL people going out an buying Full Tilts online and then when they skied them they (of course) didn't fit properly (mostly because Full Tilts are thinner and smaller fitting so people with wide feet don't fit well and people got the wrong size cause they based the sizing off a different boot or shoe size), they then proceeded to post about how angry they were that their boots didn't fit and that people told them that Full Tilts would solve their problems, which led to a lot of hate and anger getting thrown around. This is why the new answer is "GO TO A BOOTFITTER" because we don't want to hear about it when you're boots don't fit. And lastly and most importantly, Boots are the single most important thing in you're ski gear, if you're boots don't fit properly you're gonna have a bad time - you're feet will hurt, be cold, and you won't have fun skiing with boots that don't fit right.
I hope that helps in you're decision, and I hope that helps you understand why people are so harsh with their answers, and I can almost guarantee that everyone will agree with what I said.