Like fuck iv been driveing for 7 months and perfect for the past 3 and the cunt failed me. I did EVERYTHING perfect honestly, includeing parallel parking a bigass truck my first try. She failed me because "i didnt stop completely at a stop sign" and i did stop at all 3 stopsigns. I stop and then nose out to see if im good to go and i guess im not allowed to nose out according to this bitch. Im so pissed and i feeldumb as hell. Im also upset because i was planning on slaying some poom this weekend with my new liscence but that dreams shot untill nov 24th. Now, tonight,i'll be on ns, masterbate, and chill with my nig next door insted of taking 2 girls to a huge resteraunt/resortish thing with them paying for my gas and food like i planned and most likely sleeping with one of them :( halp me ns
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