If it were up to me, I would wait another week or two unless you really want to come down here. I forgot to get a pic of the big jump. They are going to build another booter on the table, hopefully soon. I think they are gonna make it a shorter jump, maybe it will be a bit loftier. As of now, you have to haul as much ass as you can , so its a pretty high speed jump, alot like it was last year.
As far as the rest of the jibs go, I got some pics. The park is nice and jibby right now which is good with all this hardpack hah
The last two features on the run which are fun and jibby, kind of hard to get enough speed to really jib the c-box though :\
Down flat rail and the barrel jibs/stalls which they need to just open up and let people figure em out.
Down rail which has a pretty good urban take off surprisingly.
The down flat box, THIS THING IS SICK, its kind of scary at first cause you cant really see the box until you are right up on it, but you just got to go for it. Its a really trickable box and the down section is nice and mellow. There is a gap to barrel jib in the foreground which is kinda lame, they need to stand the barrel up imo.
Rainbow Rail and the flatbox and flat rail at the top of the line.
The Wallride is setup too, i forgot to get a pic of that. Its actually pretty sick.
The main 3 jumpline is missing the 2nd jump atm(they are redoing it, hopefully done this week) and the third jump is pretty good, you just have to mach at it. The first jump is nice and smooth