i think everyone is completely entitled to an opinion, but the problem is that most people boast in their anger without any justifiable or mature responses. and i think overall on this site, the fact that people can just walk around shitting on everyone and it is pretty acceptable, which isn't okay. if people want to hate in general, they should have a justification or a wonderful solution, and usually they dont and they have no real understanding as to why they're angry, upset, or annoyed. there's also a level of impatience with most ignorance, and there's a level of it in dealing with either obnoxious people, or spoiled 15 year olds going through the motions of teenage angst. this should be a welcoming place, where skiers and winter sports enthusiasts go to meet other people with similar interests. that's why it's called a community. but there's just no fun coming on somewhere where you're afraid of everything you say and what people might come back to you on.
otherwise, the new site looks great, and all the new functions freak me out slightly, but it's just a matter of patience. you guys do the best you can with your resources and not everyone's going to get it. just take some comfort knowing that for every 200 people who complain, there's about 100 000 or whatever your count is, that are either extremely happy, or completely passive. which either way is considerably positive. that being said, obviously this thread isn't for them.