Hi all,
I'm having some problems getting my new bindings set up perfectly. Went dry skiing last night and had a pretty major stack trying to five a medium sized kicker. Normally with I would have expected both skis to come off but they stayed on and I tomahawked a bit. In fact I didn't release all session. I know FKS have good retention but this seemed a bit odd to me.
My DINS are at 7.5 and 8, Im almost 13 stone and Im a pretty aggressive and advanced skier but relatively new to park.
Ive done a bit more research about the correct forward pressure on FKS today and it seems to me that my bindings might have been drilled a little close together and the shop set the pressure far to high as the white tab was pushed well backwards with my boot clicked in.
I have fiddled around with the forward pressure arms and unscrewed them to their maximum extension but the white tab is still pushed a couple a couple of mm further out than the plastic indicator tabs. Is this a problem and does it mean that my bindings won't release when they should?
I'll try and put up a pick of the position of the white tab and the forward pressure arms later.