I'm not going to sit here and lie to you, i have a fake id from virginia.
so i've used it a bunch of times at liquor stores in washington state (which has super restrictive alcohol laws), and it's never been questioned, people have been suspicious, but it looks super legit, so i always end up getting sold to. Its one of the older ones, that is blue with the color photos.
but then today, i go in to buy, and this lady takes out a book of id's, scans mine with a blacklight, and refuses to sell to me because it 'has no UV logo'
i was told by the guy that made mine that the series of Virginia ID that i have does not have a blacklight logo.
Is there anyone on here from virginia that can let me know if that series of ID (blue top, gold hologram, color photo) has blacklight?
because now i'm scared to go back for fear of getting arrested. (later today i also went somewhere else, and they were hella suspicious too)
also, please don't give me a bunch of shit for underage drinking, i'm probably one of the most responsible people you will ever know.