Another great thing to talk about is how you really look forward to contributing to the campus community and how you feel you could benifit the campus community. As well as what the person above said about unique things. Maybe even with skiing you could potentially try to start a group at the school and get younger kids in the community to learn to ski. Best thing is to find something now that will really make you stand out when you apply.
I have a similar essay to write for the grad school I am applying to. Fortunately the last year I have been working with an all women skateboard company that encourages all ages of women to participate in the action sports community and with in this we have started a clothing line as well as selling skate inspired printed skate decks designed by female artists. I basically am writing about how I would like to be able to develop my skills farther with the MBA so that I can truly have the skills to see the company grow and succeed.
So basically, pick the greatest thing you are doing or want to do and apply it to how the school will help you and how you will help the school.