my roommate put his truck up on craigslist then decided not to sell. hes to lazy to take the ad down and has begun to fuck with the responses hes getting. here is his latest response to a hopeful buyer:
well teh whole thing about that truck is that its a hot product- this means that it has
been involved in some shady activity- there will be heat on you and I dont reccomend
driving it during night-especially in the maximo moorings area. If you feel safe buying
this I will take only straight cash homie-no credit or debit, and I will need it in big
bills only-nothing un der a fifty. I will meet you in the parking lot of price buster on
34th street annd I will be wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and my 727 fitted hat. Put
the money in a brown bag next to the trash barrel. I will count it and then give you the
signal. The keys will be located in the mailbox of 435 6th ave south and the truck will
be stored on the top floor of the bayside medical centers parking garage. Just let me
know what time you can meet up.
I'll see you there.