-About EMC: EMC or Eaton Mountain Crew has traditionally been a group of riders from the small mountain of Eaton Mt. in Skowhegan, Maine. Now the crew has been expanding and skis the likes of Sugarloaf and SundayRiver on a regular basis. Urban, park and the occasional pow are the focuses of EMC(pretty typical). This amateur "production" company does not produce videos but makes edits highlighting the riders of the group(much like other small production companies). Now, in an effort to expand, the creators of EMC(Tyler Shores, Henry Bonneau, Mitch Noddin, and Riley Johnson) are looking to introduce new members. The first official preseason edit of EMC has been created and will be dropped to the interwebs about the same time our website is published.
-Reason for thread: To start some convo about this new group on the scene , featuring some of Maine's best up and coming amateur riders. Also, to gather some opinions on participation and the idea in general.
-EMC's mock "superunknown:" Much like the approach Level 1 has taken, EMC wants to induct their members through a video contest. Since, the group is small already multiple participants will be chosen depending on their style, talent, and personality. Also, in order to submit a video you must live in Maine. This is a chance for all you unknown Maine amateurs to be a part of a large effort to get closer to the "spotlight." So bottom line, if you want to help get a small group get bigger and better, and you want to start putting your name "out there" consider submitting a video. This is not the official start of the submission contest but it is just to get ppl ready. As soon as the website drops we will officially start looking at entries. If your extremely eager and have something already feel free to pm *Jib_life* or emc. for the time being with a link to your vid.
Whatcha think?