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Silversun pickups anyone?
Posts: 1484
Karma: 14
so they're havin a show up in toledo, and i was wonderin if anyone else is gonna be goin to this. it's november 9th and cage the elephant is gonna be playing with them.
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
hell yeah! OAR will be at UT around then too!
Posts: 1484
Karma: 14
damn straight. do you live in toledo? cuz i'm here for college, and i was wonderin if there is any other ns kids up here.
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
yup i live right next to campus. Where you originally from
Posts: 1484
Karma: 14
i live like 5 mins from boston mills, but i'm going to college in toledo. I live in parks now. pm me if you ever wanna hang out.
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
Ive never been out to Boston Mills. How is it out there? Also, I didnt think anyone on NS lived in Toledo. I need to get a job so I can get money to get some passes this year. We should ski sometime when hills open. Im from down by Perfect North kinda.
Posts: 1484
Karma: 14
aight so mills and brandywine is kinda cool once the park is up, but it gets icy and rutted out real quick.
nothing is too big but it is ohio.
usually they have a 3 jump line(15,25,35) and a whole bunch of rails up. most of the time it's fun, that and the people there are fun to ride with especially since we all kinda know eachother.
Posts: 964
Karma: 13
Ya BMBW kinda sucks, but we make it fun because we all know each other.
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
do you know if UT has a ski team/club? I saw they had a club race team but couldn't find a park oriented ski team, or just a general group of skiers.
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
oh by the way, The Silver Sun Pickups are here at Headliners Oct 16
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
Posts: 6212
Karma: 2,150
Posts: 13
Karma: 10
OAR is where its at. nov 3, 7 pm!
Posts: 10
Karma: 11
Posts: 1484
Karma: 14
thanks for the useless post.
i hope i never see you.
your prolly really weird.
and live with a dog that pisses himself.
thats just weird.
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