Replying to Hippes
so yesterday i was riding my scooter home from campus (cu boulder), i was on broadway headed toward table mesa and i got stuck like 6 cars back at the intersection with baseline. I had a huge diff eq project due the next morning that still needed a few hours of work. all of the sudden hippies swarm out of nowhere and block the intersection with some lame ass protest about afghanistan. i was on a scooter so when the light turned green i just went between lanes and aimed for this fucker with a megaphone yellin some pussy liberal shit, unfortunately he moved and i missed him but i got through. and went home.
honestly what the fuck is protesting in boulder colorado going to do for your "cause"? this isnt fucking forest gump or 1970 and shit. you looked fucking dumb and all you accomplished was pissing people off by blocking traffic. if any one on here was involved, i sincerely hope you are severely injured if not killed by means of getting hit by a car. i also hope we continue bombing that ass hole off the earth. end rant
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