Replying to LA FAMILIA @ MT HOOD
Ok, so me and some buddies were over at T-line a couple months ago. For those of you who aren't familiar with how T-line operates in the summer, you pay $50 for your ticket. You show em your ticket at the bottom of "The magic mile" lift, which takes you up to the next lift which takes you to the glacier. Instead of paying $50 for a day ticket to hike their shitty public park (below the palmer lift so you have to hike to lap), we decided just to hike up this fucking canyon off to the side of the first lift. Once you get to the second lift (palmer) they just assume everyone has their tix so they dont check.
Anyway, on the way up I find this rediculously long chain just sitting in the gravel in the bottom of this canyon with all the other trash which has washed down. On the end of it are these 2 silver dog tags that say "LA FAMILIA" and "LA FAMILIA - WE DON'T STOP". Anyway, I was repping these mysterious dog tags until they eventually fell off and were lost forever somehwere on the glacier. But I am still curious, who is this strange, Mt. Hood dwelling, Mexican gangster ski family?
Any ideas?
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