I've started a website for strobists to discuss strobist stuff. I realize there is the flickr group and most people post on the blog but I find it's much easier to search and read in a dedicated forum. This is in no way associated with strobist.com.
There is nothing on it right now which is why I need your guys help. I'm going to start a contest for the first 100 users who refer 10 people will get something. I need suggestions on what to give out. I was thinking stickers, shirts, gels, something like that. The number of people and how many they refer is not definite either. I need your guys suggestions.
It would be great if you guys registered and posted questions or reviews of products you've used or anything else you can think of.
Oh and the site does not look pretty. I will be changing it after I spend some time navigating it and getting a feel for it. If you guys have any suggestions please post them in the site suggestion forum on the site. Thanks!