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I dont see what point you're trying to make dude... first of all, theres no way that 3 bucks would be taken off of every 8 bucks hourly wage... taxes in this state and in this country are by NO MEANS that high. So that's a little bit too farfetched to be a proper example.
Secondly, after that is taken away via taxes, chances are being that minimum wage full time MIGHT make you what... 15000 a year? like Rachy said? too lazy to do that kinda math exactly right to a T, but either way its going to be a pretty shitty amount of money especially in such a high cost of living place like california... and therefore, that person would be getting all of that money right back in the next year in one big awesome check that they are probably going to splurge on stuff and put it right back into the economy. You know why? because chances are, anyone making minimum wage is going to be either some highschool kid, or an immigrant anyways. Nobody in this state works for less than about 10 or 11 bucks an hour unless they have zero experience to speak of, or arent from here to begin with. Not to mention, most buisnesses I see will offer at least 50 cents-1 dollar over minimum wage in order to remain competetive with the market, because nobody here is going to accept a job for absolute minimum wage unless its all they can get - which is a pretty rare circumstance for anyone over about 22, or anyone who has any ambition anyway.
So yeah... I think its a little bit ridiculous for people to say that illegal immigrants are robbing this state of epic tax dollars when they make barely enough to send home... but you know what? that 4 bucks here is gold compared to what they'd be making in mexico... so it benefits us, and it benefits them. You might think that 'oh no, well they're sending all that money back to mexico and it goes into THEIR economy" but where one immigrant sends home to their family, another is paying outrageous prices for goods to retain their job... Not to mention... if we have healthy neighbors in latin america, its going to strengthen our economy anyway, because then we wont have to spend so much on foreign aid to those countries, nor would we have to worry about as much of the drug trafficing situation. If those nations have something positive going for them, then we benefit the most, because then they will be able to invest in us. SO after all of that, it all comes out about even anyway... And hell, even if there IS SOMEHOW a loss... it's NOTHING compared to the losses this country is taking by fighting two wars, and issuing billions of dollars worth in bailouts... Not even close...
So to end this fucking novel, I gotta say this... if you're so worried about immigrants stealing our jobs and robbing us of tax dollars, then start getting in line to pick some goddamn produce in the blazing hot San Joaquin Valley sun, pick up some hedge trimmers, a vaccum cleaner, and a plunger... and get ready for slave labour, because those shitty positions are pretty much the extent of what you'd ever, ever, see immigrants doing in this state, and probably any other for that matter...
I dont know where the sources you are citing get their facts from, or who's paying them, or supporting them, or whatever.. and frankly i dont care... I've witnessed what it's like in california, and I've studied it pretty intently...
I see what I see on a daily basis... I live in a predominantly latino neighborhood where i'm 100% positive ther are illegal residents living there... I might hear a gunshot once in a while... but then again, a shootout can happen anywhere these days. I drive through the California Central Valley every single time I have gone to the mountains in tahoe, and I grew up on the fringe of the entire region. Waking up in the morning and driving down country county roads, i've seen a damn good fair share of farmworkers.. and I'll tell you its by NO MEANS even CLOSE to that 97 percent. I dont know about other states.. but I know in california, that any job an illegal immigrant can get, you'll almost NEVER see somebody who's a resident of california fighting for that job... and if they do want it? an employer would be much more likely to give them that job, because the more legit workers they have, the more they have their ass covered if la migra comes and checks out their situation.
My uncle runs a pizza shop, where I had my first job. Everyone there is a mexican immigrant. all of them are legal, have legit documents that have been checked out. I know this because I was a witness to 3 hirings when i worked there... There were a good couple of times when the authorities would come in and check the paperwork of our employees to make sure it checked out... this goes on in most established buisnesses here. They've definitely cracked down a good amount - at least where I live...
The farmworkers are the ones that get checked less often, because frankly.. NOBODY is going do do those jobs but them.. and farmers in california are getting buttfucked right now because they arent getting any water to irrigate their farms... they need all the help they can get, frankly... and the authorities kinda know all of this and arent about to go to a farm and arrest much needed farmers because theyre hiring possible illegals to pick their pears and oranges...
My grandfather's a handyman who still doesnt give up working ever... he's like 75 years old and keeps doing it, but he's kinda an asshole, and he will go to the home depot, and pick up 4 or 5 of these guys and pay them each like maybe 20 bucks for a super hard days work to help him install piping or something. I've given him shit for this many times because 20 bucks is bullshit for 6+ hours of working your ass off... but these guys take it so graciously, its ridiculous.
I dont know too much about how texas or the southeast USA, or new mexico and arizona are.. but I know here in california... if it werent for hard working illegal immigrants... shit would go south FAST... because as annoying as it is to admit.. this is a state where everyone sees themselves as above doing legitimately hard, manual labour - and if they can get a mexican to do it, they'll see fit to go about it. Nobody I know has ever had their job taken by an illegal.. I never hear about it on the local news, or in the local newspapers.. both of which I pay pretty good attention to... and seeing as i'm in the thick of things, if there were people who were legitimately losing their jobs because of illegal workers, there would be massive protests and a lot more shit going down... but I hear none of the sort.
Yes, You are right, there are the criminal aliens who come here and distribute illegal drugs, and cause a huge gang war and all of this bullshit.. sure.. that is a situation we must take care of, by focusing more police upon that scene.. but dont put those assholes in the same boat as the hard working immigrants who follow the same trend this country has always had... the italians.. the irish.. the african americans.. the chinese... the polish.. all of these ethnic groups have been through their time of being kicked around as the newbie in town, who has no experience and has come here because it's the land of oppritunity...
These groups have always been the backbone of the american dream if there is such a thing... we cant kick them because of that... it would be against the creed of this great nation of ours to do such a thing...
Call me a bleeding heart or whatever the fuck you want.. I frankly dont care... but I have a pretty strong scotch irish blue collar heritage... my great greats and great great greats were all building railroads and mining tunnels and fighting wars and all of that crazy shit... these latinos are todays version of those guys... and I'm gonna stick up for them here...
Doenst seem like it's gone too far downhill to me.. frankly, it's far better than many of the political threads i've been involved in...
and this one is one of those subjects that I have first hand knowledge and experience with... and nobody's said anything completely off the wall that I had to call in an airstrike yet haha...
And Colorado's too bloody expensive to ski in to be the best state... especially at the summit county resorts. VOMIT...
Vermont used to be its own soverign nation before it became the 14th state. Originally inhabited by Native American tribes (Abenaki and Iroquois), much of the territory that is now Vermont was claimed by France but became a British possession after France's defeat in the French and Indian War. For many years, the surrounding colonies disputed control of the area (referred to at the time as the New Hampshire Grants) especially New Hampshire and New York. Settlers who held land titles granted by these colonies were opposed by the Green Mountain Boys militia, which eventually prevailed in creating an independent state, the Vermont Republic, founded during the Revolutionary War and lasting for fourteen years; Vermont is thus one of four U.S. states (along with Texas, Hawaii, and the brief California Republic) to have, at one point, existed as its own sovereign nation. In 1791, Vermont joined the United States as the fourteenth state, and the first outside the original Thirteen Colonies.
I can quote wikipedia too