So I'm working front desk at a hotel until winter starts and I can not believe some of the things people ask.
With in the week I have gotten:
"How do I use the internet?"
"If you need to see a doctor, do you go to the hospital?"
"Have you ever been to Los Angeles or San Francisco?" (Mammoth is pretty much considered a suburb of LA. I don't know anyone here who hasn't been to one of those)
"Since you aren't going to hire me, can I have my resume back? It was my last one."
Guy calls and we talk a bit about the facility. I tell him our rate for Jan 19th - the 21st is $179 per night. He asks how he can get a $50 rate. I inform him that there is not one that exists. He then asks where in town he can get a $50 rate. I inform him of the youth hostel. He exclaims he is over 50 years old and could never stoop that low. He then asks what is the cheapest hotel at that time. I explain to him the Holiday Haus may be around $120 right now. He then says thats horse shit and hangs up the phone.
Anyone else get amazingly ignorant/ridiculous questions?