Replying to Traffic court?
I received my 3rd speeding ticket in July and now I have court today at 1:15pm. Colorado state law says that if a minor receives more than 5 points in a 12 month period then they automatically get their license suspended.
I'm not sure how many points I have but I'm pretty sure I'm close to 5 if not at 5 with this ticket.
Anything I can say to maybe get out of getting my license suspended. I was going to tell the judge that I am getting a job up at a local ski resort (which is true) this winter and won't be able to get there if I have no license, also I won't be able to get to school. If he still won't go for it I figured I'd bring up the fact that if I can't drive anymore then my girl friend will dump me and I won't get anymore pussy for awhile. I'll only pull that one out if shit gets tough.
Really though, anything I might be able to say to maybe change his mind of taking my license?
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