Ok so there is this huge fucking douch bag at my school names joey, probably the biggest prick i know. So this is when it all started (FYI: this kid,compared to me, is fucking huge, his dad is a security guard at the school and joey is a little like him, he plays football and has kicked so much ass before me) im talking to my other friend joe (very good friends with joey) then joey just comes up and says: "You know you look like an asshole! i want to beat your ass so hard."
I didnt even know him at this point. I just sorta ignored him and moved on. Then the other day it was nerd day for cross country and he starts throwing food at me, so i whip a pizza crust at him which hits him right in the face! Then im like "suck my dick douche bag" from there we had a long verbal fight from like a foot away from eachother, and he was like "im gonna punch u in the face" blah blah blah bluff. Im man enough to not pussy out of a fight (one is schedueled, -totally spelt wrong, and im a little scared and dont know what to do, ive been in fight where im the underdog but this seems impossibe.) and im pretty sure im gonna die.
So: theres this huge guy who wants to kill me, what should i do? talking is not an option hes fuking retarted. And is pulling a knife totally unfair? it is west side chicago.