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If love isn't real, then I have to say, it does a freakishly good job of maintaining the illusion of existence. I'd hate to think so many people kill themselves over a shadow. If it affects people as deeply as, clearly, it does, how much more real can it be? I think you need to redefine ''real'' for us.I mean of course it's a fabrication of the mind (along with some biology), but so are concepts like fairness and morality, and these things exist (or at least I'd like think they do, or humanity would seem fairly ridiculous). I'd have to reassess what you said and submit that perhaps romance is dying, something that, no doubt, everyone has noticed. Personally, I pride myself in being one of the last bastions of it among the peopple I know. Noone else seems to give a fuck as long as they get a fuck...that might be a slight exaggeration, but at some level, it's true.
Another thing I've noticed is the multitude of idiots who throw around the wor d 'Love' like nothing, like you could buy it by the dozen at the dollar store or something. This isn't helping. Please, for the sake of respect, just because you start to feel something, or maybe you've managed to kep a girlfriend longer than 3 months, don't go around flinging the word 'love' around as if you really know what it means. I hate that.
So I agree, petek, as long as you substitute romance for love, which, as long as love still affects some people on a profound level, has to exist in some context. But the idea of love has certainly taken a turn for the worse, owing to people not taking it seriously, and I suppose one could argue that it's on the brink of extinction everywhere but hollywood. Personally, I'm not letting it go that easily, there's too much good poetry for it all simply to go to waste.
And to comment on what other people have said, I think if he'd just been dumped, he would have been more likely to post about ''Women''...
J.D.'s Hall of Fame for Stupid Posts:
''mad trix is a gay name. go with the k2's.'' -Linepunk
''Dude, Americans or Canadians didn't invent english, the British dudes did.'' -Chauncy
On San Francisco: ''that was like the starting place of gayness and aids in the eighties.'' -Tandan83
''I've learned to give some canadians an intellectual buffer'' -SUpilot
''Gay people are fags'' -Atlantaski
''dude i am literat i just cant spell worth shit u got prob with it bitch'' -Bridgerbowlskier
On Bling Skis: ''Anyone know anything about this company? do they have a website?'' -makr0
''Gay marriages are gay.'' -SUpilot