alright so last night i went to chill at a friends house. he is temporarily moved into a small house until his new one is ready. anyway we head down to his basement to see his new guitar. he said his basement is full of black mold and that it gives him sore throats but it was ok because he was moving out in a week? so we peace on the basement.
fast forward to this morning. my throat is burning and raw. i fucking hate sore throats. yeah, durrrrr no one likes them but i cant stand them. i proceed to the medicine cabinet to dope myself up. somehow i end up taking night time cold pills that help you fall asleep and childrens cold medicine. then i take my a.d.d meds so that im not bouncing off the walls.
as soon as i get to school i feel incrediblly shitty. i cant go to the nurses office because this is western masschusetts. if they found out i took some 'drugs' to make myself feel better i would be lectured by the hippy nurse for an hour about how its unnatural to you body and soul. on top of this it was a desperate struggle to stay awake listening to how we have a 7 page essay about medival dungeon art due in a week. also the medicine didint do shit so i was taking cough drops throughout the day.
really shitty day and i still feel like shit. so after my deadly cocktail of pills with some exposure to unknown fungus sprinkled on top, should i go to the hospital or is this something i can probably sleep off?
i know im retarded and that i probably deserved it but hey, lesson learned?
scratch aids as a possibility. that hooker promised me she only had gonorrhea.