i realize that this site is mostly high school, so this is probably gonna fall on deaf ears, but i know there are also a bunch of college kids on here, so is anyone else taking the LSAT on saturday?
this shit is totally fucking up my life...if you dont know anything about it, consider the SAT but multiplied by at least 10 for difficulty and general anxiety.
basically, i need to nail it the first time so i dont have to take the one in December. ive got a job in Vail lined up for the season and i dont want to think about this thing again after this week, i just want to party my ass off for 8 months before i have to get ready for law school...if i dont blow it up it's going to totally fuck my life up for ANOTHER couple months. is ANYONE else freaking out as hard as i am right now?
i hit a 167 today on my final practice test though, and it coulda been a 171 but i ran out of time on the first 2 sections cause i was out of practice, but that wont happen on game day, so im ready to fight i think.
i've got a competition in me...i want no one else to succeed.