In order to remember just what the hell happened, and to prove what may or may not have taken place in Montreal this past weekend i've thrown together many photos. Add your own if you feel up to it.Before. Big thanks to the IF3 crew. You guys should all send in to your thanks to Felix, JF, Paul(one of the hardest working under appreciated guys) and Doug and Schmuck. I clap my hands in hope that next year will somehow be able to claim higher remarks than this year.Some bests:Story: (stowebum talking to me and Allstart and context)"So yo, checkit, all these hunnies were riding my cock, just like allll night. And this one girl we were gettin it onnn. And we was holdin hands all reading to fuckin peace the club and rock the bedroom and i feel a tap on my shoulder and i look around and then down. And i fucking see Simon Dumont looking up at me. And hes like dude, that's my sister. She ain't going anywhere. Simon basically cocked blocked.Riding the BIXI bikes all around Montreal, we knew our way around Montreal pretty well after getting lost half a dozen times. and meeting random NS'ers when calling out for Chads gap. And then randomly talking to Nicholas from ESK MEDIA on Friday Night biking to the office right before he raped the NS awards on Saturday night. Small world.Poutine is a great invention. And thanks for not slashing our car tires Montreal- appreciate the warm welcome. Shoutout to Ryan and Tim for the company and ride. And for Jim letting me sleep in his office.Basically, get your ass to IF3 next year.

Ryan's Super Fuel effecient car
Tim knows how to stretch out during long car rides
The geographer doesn't need a map.
Amazing poutine
oiling up

Ski The East
Ryan stoked on Tinga's hats
IGA run
Quebec novelty: beer room
Where all the magic happens
Our exclusive suite hotel for the weekend
At least someone was hard at work
Malcolm is the hardest working intern... only working intern
Paul is one hard-working determined man.
All the twitter kids.
The man of the night
Solo dancing
One meal a day, sure why not.
Ryan's bed at the office.
My bed at the office
I was super stoked, not going to lie.
Last minute work.
Working hard on last minute touches
Jim is nothing but business
Telus theatre
Jared Allstar is the man, absolutely no question about it.
Thanks for everything Montreal!
I am sure the people in the photos can tell the stories, and make sure to add your own photos.