about 3 hours ago a 13 year old skier went off of a 150 foot cliff at Alpental, which is the most advanced mountain at summit at snoqualmie....he was found at the bottom of the cliff by another person, he was concious, and complaining of abdominal pain. The paremdics air-lifted him to Harborview hospital, and by the time they got there he was in critical condition. Right now he is undergoing surgery, and he's not looking to god...What is weird is that is the third critical injury that has happened at Summit at Snoqualmie in the past 8 days!..As most of you know, 8 days ago a skier broke his back and his neck on a table at the mountain. Then, 2 nighhts ago, a little girl fell off of the chairlift at an estimated 3 stories high. She broke her arm, 3 ribs, both wrists, and about 4 fingers....now this is my home mountain, and i also work there, so im sure business is going to drop, and i hope they dont close the mountian early or anything...But the boy who fell off the cliff today was wayyyy outta bounds, and every area where you could get to that cliff is roped off, and marked with signs....stay tuned, i will update wen there is more info...
the snozberries taste like snozberries
member number 5158