I'm trying to be as fair as I can here, just before posting, again.
333's are interesting, no doubt. It is really amazing that this guy is able to do custom skis to whatever you want for such a price point. But in that custom zone, you really got to know what you want.
I had an expensive car stereo in my previous car, one with more than a million settings for the sub and speakers. More often than not I had the remote in hand when I was driving, messing around with all the settings, just trying to get the most perfect sound. I usually ended up with it sounding worse off and by that time the song was over anyways. Customization is a lot like that, I think. If I was an audiophile, who knew what I was doing, such a deck would have been great for me and I wouldnt ever have to change anything.
You've also got to understand that a lot more goes into a ski besides just the dimensions and flex. Designs like the Pontoon take years to develop and throughly test and tweak. I'm sure if we had a day or two, we could make a ski that was the same size, camber and flex pattern of the pontoon. I would just wager that tested side by side, the Pontoon would be a better ski, because its had the development. Ours would still be a damn fine copy, but I really doubt we would be able to make a ski just off specs that rides as good or better than the original without fine tuning. A lot more goes into construction than you may think.