Yes, I understand I am no NS veteran, but I'm legit, gettin rid of these skis. If you are unsure about me I can give you a reference, to prove I'm legit.
All prices are +shipping.
$30 - K2 extreme poles, used like two days. LONG @ sizes 46 and 48.
$175 - near flawless K2 fujative 169. no bindings. hardly skied on, they have hit a few boxes, but no rails. Edges are not round.
$160 - wayyy good condition K2 Public Enemy 169 no bindings. Hit some boxes, no handrails.
$60 - Some old Nordica Semi-twins. and bindings. 171 SKIED ON LIKE TWICE. been sitting in the garage. pretty much brand new.
$190 - Line Chronics decent condition, nothing wrong with em, just a few small scratches in the base, and a little rounded edges from rails. Used 1 season. no bindings
FEELER - Line Anthem 171, skied 1 season. Like one chip in the topsheet, everything else flawless. Edges a little round, bases a bit dirty from the jibyard. I'm not sure if I wanna sell these, so just whats your offer.
also, i can post some more detailed pictures of any of these if you request it.