little freerider;
The reason Kye has recognition now is because he's paid his dues! He's been deep in the sport for a while now, and he's been a sick skier for a while now too. There are also a lot of people as good as half the pros out there who haven't been recognized yet but you're not bitching about them. By the way, I've skied with Kye a lot, and I've never heard him prop himself or say that he's better than anybody else. He is outspoken, and does/says whatever he wants. He's confident, and so he should be! But if you view that as cocky then that's your choice I guess. Oh and one more thing. Sure, maybe some of your friends can throw down as hard as Kye in the park, but I'll pretty much guarantee that none of them can ski big mountain like Kye.
So don't worry all you kids who are jealous of Kye. If you keep at it and pay your dues, eventually you will get noticed and become a cocky rockstar.