NS, I just read your article how you plan to say thank you to us for creating such a vibrant and active online community.
In truth, however, we wouldn't be here without you guys who run the site. From Matt Harvey, who created the platform, to everyone else who has contributed to the, dare I say it, "progression" of newschoolers.com, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart.
n the 21st century, you better believe that this site has had a very definite impact on the progression of the actual sport of freeskiing and the increase in media attention of our beloved sport, along with different competitions formats and community interaction. to that, I cannot be more thankful. I've learned new tricks on this site, posted pics of powder days, watched literally hundreds of stoke building videos, and bitched a bit too. Its all thanks to you.
So, NS, join me in saying thank you to the guys who made this happen. I hope you guys have some events and competitions planned across the country this winter, as they would probably be a HUGE hit with the community.
Once again, thank you, cheers, and enjoy your blackout at NS for those who are attending (I'm broke and stuck at college).