First off, its a pretty fucking good album. Production and guests are top notch. Jay-Z spits some good flow. Its a top notch album besides its small shortcomings.
But what I love about it is how popular and mainstream it is. I mean I know its Jay and Rhianna and some other popular artists. But I consider this a long awaited legitamite hip hop. And look, people know about it and are listening to it. I just checked the top ten on itunes. The top song was Empire State of Mind. Run this Town and Young Forever were also on the top ten.
Yea I understand, this album is still a mainstream album. It was built/produced that way. But come on, this is a huge step. Finally people are listening to at least some decent stuff and not this Soulja boy shit.
I don't know maybe I'm just excited because its the first time in a long time since the stuff that I've liked has become popular.