i know that in this thread i will got probably half of the posts about how gay wrestling is or whatever, but who here wrestles, how'd you do at districts, how's state looking? what weight do you wrestle? im a 140 pounder in ohio. i pinned my way through into the championships at sectionals, and then lost 12-11 in the final. i got eliminated match to go t state at districts. Im olny a sophmore though, so i have couple more chances to go. SO anyone else who wrestles, post here.
Jules: What does Marcellus Wallace look like? Brett: What? Jules: [pointing his gun] Say 'what' again. SAY 'WHAT' AGAIN! I dare you, I double dare you, motherfucker! Say 'what' one more goddamn time! Brett: He's b-b-black... Jules: Go on. Brett: He's bald... Jules: Does he look like a bitch? Brett: What? [Jules shoots Brett in shoulder] Jules: DOES HE LOOK LIKE A BITCH? Brett: NO! Jules: Then why you trying to fuck him like a bitch, Brett? Brett: I didn't! Jules: Yes you did. Yes you did, Brett. You tried to fuck him. And Marcellus Wallace don't like to be fucked by anybody, except Mrs. Wallace.