so recently i've been looking at an HV30 (omg how original i know). I have the money but a camera isn't the only thing i've ever wanted to buy so i'm not putting all my funds into it. ( i had about $650). well about 4-5 weeks ago, an opportunity arose for me to buy one for $500 and i jumped on it.. but low and behold, when i went to ask my dad for my money (big pre-paid check that i thought he hadn't cashed for me yet, cause it hadn't been needed) he told me this. "blake, it's tough times right now with your mom's club and me working so much.." then i said "you took my money didn't you?" then he said "....". so after a while of arguing, it turned out i had no money to buy the camera with and it was sold to someone else... well it might have been a blessing in disguise, because he has agreed to pay half (cause he didn't tell me he took my money) but i have to wait... so now i research. with our money together, i have around $1000 and i want NS opinion on what to get..
mainly action (skiing, BmX, and just other stuff). i'm in a film class so i have time on how to figure the camera out, but i don't have the worlds most prime computer, which is trouble. for and HV30 i'd need a firewire port installed anyway, so it's just another factor.
basically.. suggestions?