Because we were tired of little punks running around like they owned the damn hill, my buddies and I came up with what we call 'shretiquette' (we stole the word from some magazine) so that nobody thinks you're an asshole. Some of these may apply to you, some not.
1. Ask, don't tell. When waiting in line for the pipe or a jump, you should not go before someone who was already there without expressed permission from those you are cutting. Ask who is next, do not tell everyone you are going now. If they tell you that you can go, then fine. There's nothing worse than the little kid who comes bombing the hill and yells 'Dropping! as he speeds by, forcing me to miss the damn jump. This is a cardinal rule.
2. Don't be a claimer. Let your friends hype up your jibs, but nobody likes the guy that's always asking how he looks, and if you saw him clean that rail, and 'Wasn't my 720 huge?'
3. Don't hate, appreciate. Unless you are joking and everyone knows it, it definately ain't cool to be a jerk to the kid who just ate it on the booter. Especially if he is huckin stuff or is new to the game (because it's gnarly to fall if you're actually doing stuff). Yelling 'Yard Sale!' in a friendly manner is fine. Yelling 'Get off the jump you stupid fuck!' is definately not cool.
4. Never call the last run of the day. Do not tempt the snow gods. If you do, bad things always happen on that called last run and somebody always ends up eating shit. This is just superstition, but for some reason has always seemed to hold true for us.
I don't mean to be a sally or anything, we were just tired of all the stupid kids. If this doesn't concern you, you don't have to tell me how stupid it is, just ignore it. Hopefully the shretiquette movement will spread, so that the asshole at your local hill will be no more. Feel free to add your own if you have any.
a.k.a. The Flyin' Hawaiian
-Go Huck Yourself
-Friends don't let friends jib and jive.