So I was planning on buying a Loaded Dervish with some of the cash I made this summer but I was looking around and started reading up on how to make your own boards.. so I headed to the garage and made a press and got a hold of some 1/8in Baltic Birch and went to town. It ended up being a 42in board with 2in of camber and about 3/8in of concave. I still need to drill out the holes for the drop thru and put another layer of fiberglass on the top cuz shes still a little bit soft but other that that Im almost road ready... now for picture time
Heres the press I made, its actually upside down for how the board will end up sitting
This is the inside of the press.. the piled up birch gave me 3/8in of concave which feels pretty damn comfy
Heres the blank board before I chopped it up and sanded 'er down
and this is while the fiberglass is curing on the bottom of the board
I ll post up more pics when its all bolted together and ready to shred