So let me first state that I've been on Ns for quite a while now. Ive had older accounts than this one, and its interesting how much it has come from the early Ns year's. My question is that, if there are so many adds everywhere on Ns, and there is clearly a huge market, as there are always tons of committed and dedicated skier's veiwing these adds everyday and are most likely going to purchase at least 1-2 items a year from the very companies that they see all the time online at newschoolers from skis, movies, outerwear, even axe and all that other jazz. Why arent Ski companies paying more to place adds on yes there are up-and-comer companies that cant afford huge marketing video/comercial placements, but these are companies are crucial to our growing twin tip community, as well Ns should get more money from the already huge companies such as rossignol, dynastar, atomic, and salomon who yes already put alot into the sport but should be supporting where most of it started and where the future will be. As we all know 10 years from now Ns will only continue to grow at an exponential rate as it has already exploded from the early days. The fact that kills me the most is that the skiers running the site know that there are tons of fellow skiers that have to sit unhappily through double pits to chesty to watch any video's, leading people to stop watching the video section partially killing that available market. So i figure one of several things has occurred, Ns has sold out, because axe knows there are so many veiwings of this commercial every day, and they are willing to pay Ns a large enough amount of money, that Ns clearly doesnt care about its members enough to at least show a commercial involving the SKI industry or to even enough to change the commercial once every 5 veiwings. All in all, im a little disapointed in Ns as the only reason I come on now adays, is to check out what cool vids people are putting out, as i havent been on the forums in years due to continuous immature flaming/judging trends that just kills anyone starting out. I love freestyle skiing and I also work at a ski shop on as a the twin tip guy. But, the saddest thing about all of this is that I love newschoolers and the fact im still gunna be on here everyday, or every other day to check out some videos and im probably gunna see ryan sucklers double pits to chesty another 3000 times, before it gets changed to another 30 second axe commercial. I hate to rant on an older continously pointed out topic and depress the respectable ski community, but common ns, we need an obama, we need change (of the dptc). lol
Sry for the continuous grammatical errors.