havnt seen a thread about the defferences between the 2, so here's one. ordered snow leopard, wanted to know if it legit first so here's what i found.
the 3 main differences are:
(i have no clue what the 3rd one means i just copied and pasted it)
1. apple knows that more and more people are switching from windows to mac, and the more popular mac becomes the more virus's people are going to make for them. snow leopard has prepared us for that by making it way more secure than the old leopard.
2. somehow they've decreased the amount of memory that each application takes up on the computer. ex.- on leopard the MAIL app took up 287mb's of data, on snow leopard the app only takes up 91. theyve cut most applications by at least half
3. Snow Leopard is ditching its support for PowerPC. For all the PowerPC users out there, myself included, that kind of sucks, and we will be left on Leopard for the time being. However, for the Intel users, myself included, this means a sleeker more streamlined OS. One that focuses solely on a single architecture. This means a dramatically smaller OS.
heres the link where i got all the info, also has a graph showing each application and how much theyve been cut down by.