Today I was presented with the opportunity to be the terrain park manager at a local mountain here in New Hampshire. Check out it's certainly nothing special but I live real close and I think it could be fun...
Here's the dilemma...
#1. Ive worked at the mountain all summer as an adventure guide (rock climbing, kayaking, and zip lines). It was fun, but the people who run the place could definitely do better. Many things are mismanaged and although it's fun, its just stressful knowing things could be much better. So, do I put up with this and hope in the winter things are different?
#2. I have little experience building terrain parks. A few years ago I worked at a mountain as kind of a joke to get a pass where I would rake jumps and salt take offs but nothing more than that. I have however, been skiing in parks for a long time now and can easily tell the difference between good and bad. I think I'd be able to work my way through it.
#3. Last year, the park sucked, plain and simple. I know I'll have very limited resources (cat time, rail options, design freedom etc...). But, I hope to be able to deal with this stuff and make it as good as possible.
I understand fully that I'm asking mostly (on average) 16 year olds with even less experience than I have. But, if anyone has some advice that would definitely be awesome.