1. not disagreeing, Libertarians are classic liberals. I think that conservativism and libertarian are close, with libertarians advocating far more liberties and freedoms.
3. if there are many liberal democrats preaching for all those restrictions why did you say, "The popular conservative belief says no to abortion, yes to killing people, and restricting music/movies. Hardly advocating freedom." You are implying it is only conservatives and liberals are free from this. Sorry for assuming youre liberal, but with your posts and your bashing of conservatism, i am just connecting the dots, and I guess I was wrong, but Im still confused as to what you actually are.
4. I was arguing that conservatism does mean freedom, and that liberals continually try to limit and take it away. Conservatives are against all of those. They advocate freedom.
5. I will admit, unions are not my forte. I dont care how hard it is for unions to start in a business. My statement was not about the working of unions, but of the legislation regarding fast track and card check. Read my post again. Ah, I think unions def. played a part in the collapse. When you are paying upwards of $5,000 out of every car to pay for retirement benefits for a workforce where more and more are retiring, its no surprise it happened.
Holy shit on assumptions
First, I make up my own mind, and although I have similar views from my parents, this is my 4th year in college. I do my own research. I disagree with them on many points. Fuck you. My assumption had a foundation based on the views you expressed in your posts. You are not even talking about the issues, and instead attack me, and your assumption is based on nothing other than the stereotypes of conservatives. well done. (my dad does not have "high up business friends." He's self employed and does not make much money at all. Ah, fuck, my sister's husband's dad is an engineer for GM and knows the CEO that Obama ousted, and this engineer voted Obama and said the CEO was great for GM and the company would have been even worse without him.
I know these companies voted for it. I didnt even bring up GM(I think, well this thread was half a week ago). BUT GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD A PART IN IT AT ALL IN THE FIRST PLACE.
I didnt say the capping of executive pay was done by the private sector. Its being done with the pay czar. As I reread your argument, i think I see what you are saying, and if your implying what I think you are, that it is capped by the private sector, I cant even fucking believe it. These people that make hundreds of thousands of dollars a year go to school and work hard for their money. My friends dad escaped from Cuba, worked his way through college here and is now very successful. I dont understand by the other points on the distribution of wealth and the distribution we are vowing for. If anything, the economy should have less government, less regulation, so it is easier for people to start and run business.
I dont like the patriot act. I shouldnt have to be afraid of the government taking more and more of the private sector.
yeah, unregulated capitalism doesnt work. there needs to be a minimum wage and all that, but it can go way to far and it has.
Conservatives are more in touch with both documents than liberals. Look at the issues.