Okay this is for all you kiddos with these nasty gashes in your skis. I'm going to tell you how to do a base weld so your skis don't end up with a rotten core. Okay first off you need to do a base weld whenever you cut all the way into your core. this type of damage cannot be fixxed by drip ptex or duct tape as everyone keeps suggesting. Ptex dosen't flow well enough to get all the way down into a gash like this and it will eventually fall out if you try. So what you have to do is a ptex weld. I would suggest having a shop do it but if you have the rescources you can do it yourself. First off cut out, in a rectangular shape, all of the trashed base around the gouge plus a little extra to make sure you get it all using a razor. Also undercut what you are cutting so that the new ptex will stay in better. remove the base that you have cut with a knife or chissle(sp). If the gash is by the edge which most are clean our any rust on the edges because it will make it difficult for the new ptex to stick. Also it is a good idea to rough up the area where the new ptex is going to help it stick. Then get a hot glue gun type thing and put a stick of ptex in it. It is also good to have a heat gun to heat up the base but it isn't essential. Squirt a lot of ptex into the hole you have cut. As quickly as possible, using something flat, put pressure on the ptex. I use a metal scraper with my wax scraper over it to help insulate it. Apply as much pressure as you can for at least one minute preferably longer. After you are done with this let it set with the scrapers on top of it for insulation for about 15 minutes. after it has cooled down find someway to scrape off the excess ptex. I use a combination of a razor, file, and metal scraper. You can also run it over a grinder at your shop, I'm sure they will do it for free. Wax your wskis and be on your way. I've just saved you thirty to fifty dollars so send me loads of props while a bask in the glory of my vast ski tuning knowledge. If you have any questions on that procedure just message me.
This year I hope to see more kids incorporating newschool with big mountain riding and getting out of the park.-Matt Levintal