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personally? i dont believe we go to a heaven as in white clouds, angels, and loved ones, a purgatory, or a hell with fire, torture and crazy guys with horns.
personally, i believe that your afterlife is based on who you were during your life. like, fuck, i dont know. something a little different for everyone.... i guess, i believe you die, and then you live you afterlife in the way you wish you could have lived your life. like, for me at least, a nice in the mountains where i can ski when i want for free with all the free guinness in the world, and live and interact with other people that would have wanted to live that sort of life. i dont know if that makes any sense.
I know were I'm going, I am 100% sure I know I'm going to heaven. and don't even try to convince me otherwise. (call me ignorant I don't care, I'm going to heaven)
to get back to my point "why I feel bad for non-christians " because they are not guaranteed a spot in heaven and hell is a terrible place, a place were you will be in pain all the time.
"There is no evidence to suggest otherwise." -I loled
ok I will be done on that topic, sorry if this post was the wrong thing to do for this thread. If you really want to, just ignore this post.
so, by not believing in the christian god we are all going to hell? i thought only the mormons made it to heaven... i mean South Park says that the Jews, Catholics, Muslims, Protestants, Buddhists, Hinduists, and every other religion goes to hell except the Mormons.
ill finish my religious tangent with this. that idea that only Christians go to a nice afterlife annoys me. just because someone doesnt believe is no reason for us not to be allowed into the "nice" afterlife. to me it sounds like God is an intolerant ass.
isnt it like outside of i think it is Genesis and maybe the second book of the bible all the other ones were written like 600 years AFTER jesus christ supposedly lived? and that Genesis and the second book of the bible contradict each other like on every page?
and if the Romans really did kill Jesus Christ why isnt there anything in their writing about killing a dude, putting him on a cross, and then him coming back to life?
what are you talking about? i didnt say anything about a lack of evidence other than the roman thing...
im tired of debating about the Bible... its too much of an extreme opinion thing.
actually it is a fact that Jesus Christ was crusified under ponchus pilot. -true records
the government didn't record of his resurrection, because of many reasons. for one reason they were scared. It was recorded that there was complete darkness at midday and the huge temple curtain was ripped in two right down the middle.
It should NOT be an argument. EVOLUTION IS PROVEN. YOU CAN'T JUST IGNORE IT, PEOPLE. YOU ARE SIMPLY IGNORANT IDIOTS. The Catholic Church still exists whilst still accepting the Big Bang Theory. So don't get hostile to the Theory of Evolution because it is imposing on the unproven religious beliefs you may have.
and we agree on something... that means the end of the world is coming... shit.... how does the world end when the mayans tell it?