You: [Omegle is legally obligated to inform you that the person you have connected with is a convicted sex offender]
Stranger: That's an interesting opening line.
Stranger: Particularly since Omegle doesn't ask if you are.
Stranger: I.e., it has no idea whether or not users are convicted sex offenders.
You: Technically, it wouldnt, but that have put out a new Dateline NBC app for all Convicted Sex Offenders, so that it would always state that if they enter a chat.
Stranger: Another swing and a miss.
Stranger: Dateline NBC can't compel sex offenders to do anything.
You: Ok, so you arent American, i know that.
You: You arent mentally retarded.
Stranger: Thanks, lol. I am from America.
Stranger: I take it you're not?
You: Yeah, i ride a kangaroo to work.
Stranger: I assumed as much.
Stranger: So, you work at the Foster's brewery, right?
Stranger: How's the great barrier reef?
Stranger: I bet you go there all the time.
Stranger: And throw boomerangs and stuff.
You: Good, i do, i live there actually, see, i am a fish.
Stranger: No way! I met a Koala bear on here earlier.
You: And my name is nemo, and i like to put shrimp on a barbie.
You: and a dingo ate my baby.
Stranger: I'm so sorry to hear that :-(
Stranger: That must have been very traumatic.
Stranger: Especially after the loss of your wife.
Stranger: And that whole fucking movie about having your baby not die.
You: Yeah, she was killed when a sting ray stabbed her through the chest.
Stranger: I mean, don't get me wrong, it was an entertaining movie. But it seems like kind of a wste of time.
Stranger: Your fish baby was human?
You: yeah, my wife literally exploded when she gave birth to him.
Stranger: It's crazy they didn't mention that in the movie.
You: But, then during the explosing a sting ray stabbed her through the chest.
Stranger: And that she exploded *during* birth but not before.
Stranger: Fucking sting rays.
Stranger: So what else do you do?
Stranger: I think I've run out of Australian stereotypes.
You: Well, i actually live in America, but now i will act like im from England.
You: So yeah, i am just having tea now.
Stranger: No kidding, me too.
Stranger: God save the queen.
Stranger: I'd have pegged you for a crumpets person.
Stranger: Maybe fish and chips.
Stranger: Unless you're one of those Italian-English.
You: Even though chips is fries.
Stranger: I thought you were from England.
You: and i eat them because i am in awe of france.
Stranger: You could swim over if you're hungry.
You: Yeah, and get obese in the process of eating in america.
Stranger: Oh, I meant across the English Channel
Stranger: The Atlantic is a little bigger
You: Even though i live in America and i am not obese.
Stranger: I thought it was a rule.
You: Yeah, i could go michael phelps on the oceans ass
Stranger: I would if I wasn't so obese. Fucking Dateline NBC installed an app on my computer that makes me eat.
Stranger: As a matter of fact, I'm Michael Phelps.
Stranger: When I'm not training, I talk to strangers on the internet.
Stranger: They're much less capable of photographing me when I smoke pot.
You: So, do you live on the bottom of the ocean, and swim with the fish?
You: Im guessing you swim to antartica to get trained by a penguin.
Stranger: Only on the weekends.
Stranger: It's Wednesday here.
Stranger: I don't know what day it is in Australia.
Stranger: But it's got to be like, days ahead.
Stranger: I take it you're from the West coast.
You: Probably like 5 o clock or something
Stranger: I guess in 4 minutes
Stranger: Yes west coast, or yes 4 minutes until Weds. because you're mountain time?
Stranger: Ah. What state?
You: ___________________░▒▓▓▓▓▒░_______________________ _________________________________
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You: I compelled that in like 1 second.
Stranger: The bear I mean.
Stranger: Your pedo-sense is off.
Stranger: It's sad there's no emoticon representation of the pedo-smile.
Stranger: That I know of, anyway.
Stranger: So how's the space needle?
Stranger: And the Mariners, too.
You: Ehh, pretty good, just tossin some salmon and eating some fish in the pike place market well watching the rain.
Stranger: Oh shit. I hope it stops raining soon so you can ride your bike home.
You: Yeah, and stop by starbucks.
You: And then realise i cant go to a sonics game cause they are located in oklahoma
Stranger: That one I don't understand.
You: And then go work at microsoft.
You: Basketball team, or coffee one?
Stranger: Did the supersonics move?
Stranger: I'm no Sean Kemp.
You: I literally have no idea who that is.
Stranger: He played for the sonics I thought.
Stranger: Maybe you missed that while living in your cabin?
You: Well, the typical washintonian wouldnt have any knowledge about the sonics
You: Yeah, and chopped some wood.
Stranger: While eating granola I'm sure.
Stranger: And contemplating a move to Canada.
Stranger: From '00 to '08
You: I am actually thinking about doing that.
Stranger: I bet you are a socialist.
Stranger: I am from Texas.
You: No, your not mentally retarded, so you cant be from Texas.
Stranger: Uh...look at your previous sentence.
Stranger: "No, your not mentally retarded."
"But your."
Stranger: Come on, a little credit.
You: i know... i screwed up.
You: Grammar Nazi's we are.
Stranger: I assume you've seen the Grammar Nazi "Downfall" clip.
Stranger: I'll be back in 2 minutes.
Stranger: Back. (Finish the clip, I'll wait.)
You: Haha... Have you seen the michael jackson version of that?
Stranger: Is this part of the convicted sex offender thing?
Stranger: Or actually interesting?
Stranger: I bet it is :-)
Stranger: (I'll go watch it now.)
You: ok, ill be back. watch it.
Stranger: I hear the movie isn't terrible.
You: Wait, what movie is that from.
Stranger: I think the translated title is "The Downfall"
You: Ok, ill end up watching it now.
Stranger: Yeah:
Stranger: #82 all time on IMDB
Stranger: Fuck, that wasn't even a little bit sarcastic.
You: haha, is it a torrent?
Stranger: Factual statements...ugh
Stranger: No the link is just to the IMDB page
Stranger: Ok, you probably got that from the url...
Stranger: Have you been to imdb before?
Stranger: (Another stupid question: if you knew it was IMDB from the URL, and you'd been there, you'd probably know it doesn't have anything to do with torrents.)
Stranger: I am, in fact, not from Texas.
Stranger: I'm not sure why I believe that you're from Washington.
Stranger: Perhaps because your stereotypes were a bit more specific.
You: Ok, i do live there, and i know that you arent in texas cause, well i am Chris Hansen, so i know everything.
Stranger: Want to give me a second to look up Chris Hansen?
Stranger: Or would you prefer to explain.
Stranger: Wow, I'm sorry. That was a pretty good joke.
You: well, hes the host of to catch a predator, i would suggest looking him up and typing in To Catch A Predator on youtube
Stranger: Oh, I thought the "sure" was to the first question, sorry.
Stranger: Given what he does, the joke fit in very nicely with the conversation.
You: Yes, because i am talking to a stranger on the internet, so yeah it does fit in.
Stranger: And you opened with your sex offender thing.
Stranger: How depressing.
Stranger: Most of the time I end these conversations a few minutes after starting.
You: yeah... i had this whole conversation planned out.
Stranger: We can start over if you want.
Stranger: Is this for reddit?
You: No, well. I am just nemo, so well, i have no idea who reddit is or what it is.
You: i have no idea what i am talking about.
You: i only had the first intro planned, and well, it ended up lasting forever.
You: And to catch a predator is on dateline nbc, get it?
Stranger: I think I've got everything except the reference to the host.
Stranger: Which I now understand.
Stranger: (And the Sonics thing, I guess.)
Stranger: So what do you do, other than messing with people online?
Stranger: Trolling is pretty time consuming.
Stranger: It would be reckless to do it as a second job.
Stranger: You're getting sloppy.
You: I know, gotta get my Grammar Nazi going on.
Stranger: I don't actually mind, I just feel obligated to point it out since you corrected me.
You: I think it makes me look smart, through the internet, and make me sound very cereal.
Stranger: The internet is serious business, after all.
You: I think its half man half bear pig
You: I will make a movie and everybody will take me super cereal!
You: Sooo, got an xbox 360?
Stranger: Don't have those either.
Stranger: How disappointing, right?
You: So, what led you to this site?
Stranger: The bwag on xkcd.
Stranger: Are you familiar with xkcd?
Stranger: You must be. You can't seriously be the only troll who doesn't know about xkcd.
Stranger: I think you're fucking with me.
Stranger: Pretending to be a child molestor, that's one thing.
Stranger: I can roll with that punch.
Stranger: This I find *very* difficult to accept.
Stranger: Yeah, that's it.
Stranger: Not the best example, but not bad.
Stranger: That's the post.
Stranger: I only came across it recently.
Stranger: What about you?
Stranger: Is omegle "in" within the child molestation community?
Stranger: Is there such a community?
You: oh, on this skiing website called
You: i ski, and it was in the forum.
Stranger: I really hope "new schoolers" isn't about kids starting kindergarden.
Stranger: I checked the site through a proxy just in case.
Stranger: So, other than doing nothing, what do you do?
Stranger: I'm a little confused about your inclusion of the link.
Stranger: Were you worried I didn't know what biking was?
You: Yeah... it sounds weird.. but its a type of biking, tricks and stuff
Stranger: Professionally, or just for fun?
You: Skiing stuff........
Stranger: Ah. I've never been.
Stranger: Always wanted to, but for some reason it hasn't happened.
Stranger: Which is kind of stupid since I'm in the northeast...
Stranger: (Not of Texas, but I think you figured that out already.)
Stranger: I've been to Seattle though.
Stranger: Really liked EMP, wish I had more time there.
You: The funny thing is, is that ive only been there once.
Stranger: That's too bad.
Stranger: I feel like that happens a lot though.
Stranger: Not going to big attractions located near you.
Stranger: I lived in NYC for two years and regret how little I took advantage of its offerings.
You: Sorry if it takes me forever to reply, im on xkcd.
Stranger: haha, no worries.
Stranger: Anyway, I think I'm going to go to bed.
Stranger: Enjoy Wednesday.
You: cya. im guna post this convo on the thred "best omega conversations" on NS
You: Hopefully we shall meet again!
Stranger: Have a good night, it was nice talking to you.