Hey all,
I'll be in Oz to shoot the mountain bike world champs at the beginning of next month and am keen to hook up with some good skiers to shoot with for a couple of days. I'll be in Canberra 1 - 8 Sept and I'm looking at shooting at Thredbo for a couple of days sometime between 9 and 13 Sept if the weather is any good.
I may also try to squeeze in a couple of days at Perisher if I can hook up the lift passes (Thredbo sorted already).
I've got some pretty damn good Aussie snowboarders lined up to shoot with, the only problem is I can't be f&*%ed shooting snowboarding - I'd rather shoot skiing!
Happy to shoot park but I definitely want to get in a bit of natural terrain, cliffs, cornices, rock-drops etc.
It's the usual photog/skier deal, I provide all my athletes with low res watermarked copies of all images, if your sponsors or whoever want to use the images but have no budget I'm not going to screw you out of the exposure but I will hold on to the hi res images so at least people have to go through me to use 'em.
I will submit the images with some text to both NZ/Aus and international mags.
My background is mountain bike photography but I've had images published in a few ski mags now so there's a good chance of some exposure for you and your sponsors.
If you're keen email me at patrick@fallon.co.nz. If you have some footage or images on YouTube or online somewhere that I can check out that would help a lot. My website is www.fallon.co.nz if you want to check out my work.
Cheers, Patrick