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Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
Im posting this to determine what skier is the most hated of all time, post your most hated guy or girl skier or both
Posts: 882
Karma: 6
Posts: 3095
Karma: 13
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
^you always make dumb comments, jonny moseley is a great skier i dont know why anyone hates em, u gonna say 'he sold out to mtv' fuck that man, u ask anyone if they wanna get paid mad cash to go on tv, fuck yea we all would and he made a shitty skiing game that is pioneering a petition to make a good one, retard u supported the petition that link in the last past week, hes not the best freestyler, shit he does moguls, so what? hes doin more good things than u
Roses are red, violets are blue, i like spaghetti, lets go fuck
NS Philosopher
Posts: 13551
Karma: 31
this thread is just asking for an arguement, dont hate anyone!
i love to ski, so should you, its fun, try it sometime
Posts: 882
Karma: 6
mosely doesn't even ski anymore. a lot of people hate him. i don't have a problem with him, he made a ton of money. and tanner hall is the shiznizzle
Posts: 269
Karma: 10
Posts: 882
Karma: 6
Posts: 6384
Karma: 953
ballinBU just made his case for biggest NS idiot. Moseley doesn't ski anymore? and you hate tufflemire because?
Formly known as Lincolnloopwannabe
Posts: 359
Karma: 10
Johnny Moseley is horrible, not only did he sell out, he says hes not a 'skier' anymore yet Head still keeps him on his team. He doesnt stay up to date with anything -- he was a commentator @ the Xgames and didnt know shit. Other than that Mike Nick is a total dick, Tuffelmeyer just annoys me with his sucky ass skiing and hair + Brad Holmes with his dick ass comments in FREEZE are GAY!
Posts: 356
Karma: 281
tufflemyer is a big fat penis
ya dank
i miss skiing
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
if moseley doesnt ski anymore he doesnt deserve a ski sponsorship, and yea holmes shit in freeze is retarted but w/e i wouldnt mind gettin paid to be an asshole, i mean think about if u were offered to do something like that?
Roses are red, violets are blue, i like spaghetti, lets go fuck
NS Philosopher
Posts: 269
Karma: 10
Tufflemyer is the fucking man. Die.
Posts: 11
Karma: 10
Moseley is the best. What other skier has a video game named after them?
'Wonder what it'd be like if it snowed in California!' - Jonny Moseley
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
i must say if any of u guys watched the into to jmmt, the vid they show is so gay with him signing autographs i mean talk about baskin in ur own glory
Roses are red, violets are blue, i like spaghetti, lets go fuck
NS Philosopher
Posts: 122
Karma: 10
I dig Moseley. Horrible MTV host but Nagano was a key factor in exploiting this whole new school movement to mass media whether you like it or not. If it weren't for him I'd be tweakin out my screamin seamens to this day.
'I bought an antfarm once. Them fellers didn't grow shit'.
Posts: 1974
Karma: 53,162
no no, you're all wrong.
It's that dirty euro-trash mofo Rudi Garmish from Hot Dog. Fuck him I say!
Posts: 3095
Karma: 13
I doubt he wrote that script though or w/e they probably just told him what to do
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
ya, but i think that all skiers whether or not they sold out, brought greater media attention to newschool skiing, whether or not its good or bad, its still media attention
Roses are red, violets are blue, i like spaghetti, lets go fuck
NS Philosopher
Posts: 1455
Karma: 40
Brad holmes, the equilavent of Fred Durst, and of course mosely.
Dont forget your snorkle ~ Bridger Bowl
Posts: 1455
Karma: 40
Brad holmes, the equilavent of Fred Durst, and of course mosely.
Dont forget your snorkle ~ Bridger Bowl
Posts: 269
Karma: 10
Brad Holmes is straight gangsta. Back off his shit.
Posts: 122
Karma: 10
hahaha fred durst equiv.
Wade Wong. What a douchebag.
'I bought an antfarm once. Them fellers didn't grow shit'.
Posts: 91
Karma: 11
Dude...you all are crazy. The Brad Holmes section on FREEZE is my favorite and has been for years. He is hilarious. But I guess you haven't grown a sense of humor yet. Maybe it will come when you grow a penis. I submit Jamie Pierre for most hated after his dickhead comments in this years TGR movie.
Posts: 11358
Karma: 21,035
Johnny Moseley is evil and Mike Nick is god, thats how it goes
'My arm hurts, I think I had a Stroke'
-Some girl in my school
'At least my boy friend didnt finger my ass hole with strawberry shampoo'
- Words siad durring a Bitch fight
'Bagger my ass, its probley just Mill House'
- Homer Simpson
'Is it makeing love when 5 migets spank a man covered in Thosand Island dressing'
Posts: 54
Karma: 10
Mosely's old school and thats about it...people hate him because he's not doin todays tricks n shit. I got no problem with anyone else....nuff said
Posts: 54
Karma: 10
Mosely's old school and thats about it...people hate him because he's not doin todays tricks n shit. I got no problem with anyone else....nuff said
Posts: 1455
Karma: 40
Completely forgot about Jamie Piere, that guy definitely tops my list.
Dont forget your snorkle ~ Bridger Bowl
Posts: 1254
Karma: 10
umm you
'grip it and rip It'- hansel(Zoolander)
well me and my chick were gettin busy at her place when her parents were gone, we were in the basement so she says to go upstairs and get a condom and im naked and i obviously ran to go get it, it was dark as hell too so on my way back downstairs i missed the last 2 steps and fell flat on the ground with an boner, i was so lucky - Lateralis
Posts: 2755
Karma: 66
I hate Brad Holmes
Freeskiing is a lifestyle, and true skiers are the ones who live this lifestyle, not the ones who follow it.
Posts: 3117
Karma: 19
haha, dpoiii said tanner hall and hes got a tanner icon. but yeah I think a lot of people hate brad holmes, and did anyone see 'the junk show dairys', because jonny mosley still skis, not to really get on his side or anything, but it's hard to compete in other comps. when your on the US olympic team.
Posts: 1861
Karma: 28
my dream team of most hated obviously five40guy, alpentalik, zachd, shwags, summitpunk, and shawnm1260 and sum other dudes, this guys are soooo lame, they put the ame in lame, seriously
Posts: 2141
Karma: 18
i'm gonna go ahead and nominate the one person, someone has yet to mention and thats me Bryan Gallant
Five-9 Productions!
you pal,
General Disorder
Posts: 3353
Karma: 126
^and u wonder why people call u gay
Roses are red, violets are blue, i like spaghetti, lets go fuck
NS Philosopher
Posts: 2674
Karma: 122
the most hated? how bout Rudy Garmish...'I had sunny side up, I had sunny side down, and I had Sunny all ze vay around...' -ski school
When in doubt...FSI
...fuckin send it
work to live...not live to work.
work to ski...but only if you ski to work. The simple equation to skibumming 101
Posts: 2141
Karma: 18
dude adamskinick it was a joke and sarcasm poking fun atmyself and everyone else.. relax pal its just the internet..
Five-9 Productions!
you pal,
General Disorder
Posts: 1761
Karma: 13
everyone who hates moseley is just mad because he is better than you could ever be
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
i really hate Johnny Moseley...
Posts: 7803
Karma: 466
I cant stand Tanner Hall. I hate all wiggers, thats just my 2 cents.
its probably the worst idea ive ever heard of..no joke..if u like broken bones and like..fucking
Death then hell..have fun -Naturalbornskier
People Who Post retarded crap
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
i really hate Johnny Moseley...
Posts: 8554
Karma: 183
i really hate Johnny Moseley...
Posts: 12544
Karma: 74
man moseley rules, period.
and speaking of moseley, the backpack is the best grab. ever.
'Go shut yourself in a freezer and see if you can evolve out of it.' -PhattTim
'i think its funny that they decriminilized both homosexual sex and animal sex at the same time... what kinda message does that send?' -Apple
Posts: 1421
Karma: 49
i think brads stupid comments r the stupidest thing ive ver seen.
Posts: 1974
Karma: 53,162
McKeeman, that's from Hot Dog, not Ski School you dumb ass! You should know better.
You're getting a slap next time I come into the shop.
Posts: 1974
Karma: 53,162
McKeeman, that's from Hot Dog, not Ski School you dumb ass! You should know better.
You're getting a slap next time I come into the shop.
Posts: 686
Karma: 19
I don't hate any one skier. I hate anybody who isn't true to himself or the sport. Whoever that may be, FUCK YOU!
Posts: 708
Karma: 10
isnt sort of hard to hate someone you dont know? even if it is someone like hillary duff.....grrr. no but seriously, thats just how i feel. I might not like the way tanner hall acts on tv, but when i met him he was totally cool so i think you have to just give people a chance and not judge them if you dont even know them
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
i hate haters like all you ppl.
Posts: 8198
Karma: 258
i hate haters like all you ppl.
Posts: 3544
Karma: 1,302
oh look a bird , I will go try to catch it now
some christian kid today: 'Get drunk off jesus'
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