This is what the tips of my old 1080's looked like after 5 years of skiing in the midwest.
They're my frankenstein skis so-to-speak. There's knots on the side to hold the edges on. Copper rivets, and don't ask me what the fuck that silver thing is but it works. Also, massive amounts of duct tape, followed by massive amounts of eletrical tape does wonders for tip probs. Epoxy does jack shit. I don't care if you have industrial strength military use only epoxy, it will not work. I also converted them to K2's because they run just like em, shitty.
'There has to be something better on television. Or since you have so much time on your hands, maybe you could take a night course. Become a doctor. You could make something out of yourself. Treat yourselt to a dinner. Color your hair. You're not getting any younger.'
- Choke